An Evening Out

These days, an evening out on the town looks a little different than it used to, especially in a city that is known to glitter as San Francisco does. But nevertheless, we’ve been trying to take advantage of opportunities to get out and (safely!) enjoy the aspects of nightlife that are permitted here, which includes outdoor dining and socially distancing in parks. This past Saturday evening (when these were taken), we did both. We met up with Justin’s parents and a couple close friends at one of our fave walkable parks and sat at a distance for cocktail hour, and then just the family migrated to Mission Rock for dinner, which offers not only superb bay views from their double-deck outdoor patio, but also a plethora of local oysters. One of the gifts of the current heat wave is being able to dine outdoors without fear of an arctic gust of wind rendering it impossible to have a conversation, and allows for a carefree look that doesn’t require a jacket, a la the above sartorial selection.

I know, I know, I have been using this background a lot lately, but it’s basically right outside my apartment and I like how it photographs. But I promise I’m working on some new locations. Stay tuned!

Outfit details: Olivaceous dress via Current Clothing; trusty Toms shoes; I genuinely cannot recall where I got the earrings but similar-ish; Cary Lane bag.


A Bright Moment


The Heat of the City