Dressed All The Way Up
Anyone who knows me knows I’m sure to be overdressed for any given occasion. It’s a bit of a running joke with my friends, but I’m the one who shows up to a dive bar—a San Francisco dive bar—in ludicrous platform heels. And yeah, I get dressed to go to the grocery store, why not?
Before the pandemic, I used to relish in my time spent each morning choosing an outfit for work. It’s what truly made me feel prepared for my day…more than coffee even. (I know.) Since the world has become homebound, I’ve realized how much I miss that simple morning ritual, and how much I have come to depend on it to set me up for success in my day. I don’t care how comfy athleisure apparel is, it just isn’t the same to swap my actual pajamas for slightly more put together pajamas and call that getting dressed for the day. For me, anyway.
And it recently dawned on me that this was the tipping point for why I finally started this blog. I’d had the domain forever and yes, for once I had the time and space to actually sit down and build the thing, but the true reason? Because I missed getting dressed every day. This blog has provided me with an outlet to continue doing what I love most—even if that means my heels won’t see the dim lighting of a dive bar for another long while.
Outfit details; Alexis top (so old, but found on Poshmark); LNA pants; Jeffrey Campbell shoes; vintage Gucci shades.